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Hob Moor Oaks Academy is part of Ebor Academy Trust. The governance arrangements of the Trust can be found by clicking this link.


Governor vacancies

For information on governor vacancies, please contact the Chair of Governors or School Business Partner.


Gail Blunt – Chair of Governors, Hob Moor Oaks Academy

Gail is mum to twin boys, one of whom is a pupil at Hob Moor Oaks. Prior to having children she worked for over twenty years in local government for four local authorities managing elections. Since giving up work to care for her children she has done voluntary work as Chair of a local preschool before becoming a governor at Hob Moor Oaks. She is passionate about breaking down the barriers for children with SEN to enable them to be included in all the things that children enjoy doing.

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors please do so via the school on 01904 806655 or email

You can also contact Gail through the school’s postal address:

Hob Moor Oaks Academy

Green Lane


YO24 4PS

For further Governor membership information, including Business Interests please click the links below:

Hob Moor Oaks

Hob Moor Oaks LGB Members and Information

HMO Governor Attendance 2023-2024

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