Welcome to Saplings class
Staff in our class are…
- Class Teacher – Ellen Cudine (Mon-Weds) and Sarah Sinnott (Weds-Fri)
- Teaching Assistants – Jo Williamson and Andrew Murray (Full Time), Ally Johnson (Mon-Tues), Jayne Johnston (Weds-Fri)
We have a dedicated team of Midday Care Assistants (MCA) who help our children at lunchtime and two Health Care Assistant (HCA) who support our children’s medical needs.
Important information about our class
In Saplings class we believe all pupils should have a safe and nurturing place where they belong, and learning experiences tailored to ignite their passions and curiosity.
- Swimming on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday (this may be alternate weeks)
- Soft Play is on Tuesday and Thursday
- Sensory room is Monday and Wednesday
- PPA – on Wednesday morning, it will be covered by Molly Nesbitt, HLTA
- Sensory Art and Water Play will take place throughout the week. If you would like to protect school uniforms from paint, messy play etc. please send in some old clothes for your child to wear on these days.
Through the week all pupils will experience a wide range of curriculum areas. You will receive a half termly newsletter and class timetable to understand these areas better.
Tapestry & Home Learning – All pupils have an online Tapestry learning journal. Staff will evidence and share learning experiences on a weekly basis. We invite parents to post and share the home learning experiences that take place during the week, weekends and holidays. Please contact us if you are experiencing problems with this.
Home School Communication– all pupils will have a care diary input daily, this is found on Tapestry. It is a great communication tool to share brief accounts of the school day, your child’s evening or morning. Please use this resource to support relationships and effective communication with class teams. You will also receive a weekly ‘memo’ from our team to share the wonderful interaction and learning that has taken place across the week.
Class Newsletter
Saplings Curriculum Newsletter Autumn page 1
Saplings Curriculum Newsletter Autumn page 2
Saplings Curriculum Newsletter Autumn page 3
Saplings Curriculum Newsletter Autumn page 4
Class Timetable
Saplings Timetable Autumn 2022.docx (2)
Useful websites to help your child:
- Tapestry https://tapestryjournal.com/
- Help Kidz Learn https://www.helpkidzlearn.com/
- Phonics play https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
- Incy wincy swimwear https://www.incywincy.net/
- Cbeebies https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies