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Headteacher Update 20th October 2023

We started the week by sharing the lovely news that Olivia had her baby. Jonah William Hargreaves was born on Thursday 12th October at 6:57pm, weighing 7lbs 7oz; he was 10 days overdue! Both Olivia and Jonah are now home and settling into being a family of 4. Reuben is enjoying being a big brother. We send them huge congratulations and lots of love.

Thank you to those who have contributed to the school Harvest Festival Celebration today. It was wonderful to welcome Rev. Biddlestone into school to lead on our whole school Harvest Assembly. Following the assembly, classes were then planting vegetable seeds as part of the lifecycle of plants. It is always wonderful to see what we can grow at Hob Moor Oaks! A big thank you to Ciaran and Ellen for planning and organising the day.

Just a reminder that Tuesday 24th October is school photo day; this is a very busy day for all of the staff and children. If you feel that your child may need some extra motivators on the day, please liaise with the class team via the Care  Diary.

We will be ending the half-term with a Halloween party on Friday 27th October. Children can come into school in fancy dress for the day. If children need further support with their outfits, please feel free to send them into school in their school bag and the class team can support the change into them as part of the class routine.

As you know, we try to provide a range of parent workshops to help support strategies used in school into the home. I am pleased to announce our Autumn term offer is a Makaton Level 1 parents course. This course is on Thursday 9th  November and will be lead by a Makaton tutor. Please see the poster on the back page for more details. We wanted to give you plenty of notice to book time off work. Bookings and payment can be made via ParentPay.

Have a lovely weekend.


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